
Get top tips from Britain’s brightest business brains

AS lockdown restrictions come to an end, great British businesses need our support to bounce back.

With the pandemic delivering blow after blow, companies have had to juggle their finances, adopt new tech and learn to adapt quickly.

Our experts – including Steven Bartlett, the BBC’s youngest ever Dragon – will share their lockdown learnings, provide top tips, and answer your questions about anything to do with finance and technology


Our experts – including Steven Bartlett, the BBC’s youngest ever Dragon – will share their lockdown learnings, provide top tips, and answer your questions about anything to do with finance and technologyCredit: The Sun

It’s been a tough 15 months and there are still many challenges ahead.

So The Sun and Lloyds Bank are hosting two unmissable online panel events featuring some of the UK’s brightest business talents.

Our experts – including Steven Bartlett, the BBC’s youngest ever Dragon – will share their lockdown learnings, provide top tips, and answer your questions about anything to do with finance and technology.

Bartlett, who was a millionaire by the age of 25, will lead the “Tech Adoption” event, and will discuss how you can use new technology to take your business to the next level.

The panel will also feature broadband pioneer Anthony Impey MBE – now CEO of Be the Business, an organisation dedicated to supporting our small and medium-sized firms – and Gareth Oakley, of Lloyds Bank, who will give a financial view.

Join us live at 12.30pm on July 5. The event is absolutely free and is hosted by Sun business editor Tracey Boles.

Find out more and sign up here.

Keep an eye out for details of our second online panel event on financial wellness for British business.


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