What was the nickname of this Scottish turncoat? The great British art quiz

This quiz is brought to you in collaboration with Art UK, the online home for the UK’s public art collections, showing art from more than 3,000 venues and by 45,000 artists. Each day, a different collection on Art UK will set the questions.

Today, our questions are set by the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library, in Preston, Lancashire. The Harris’s fine art collection was founded in 1883, when Richard Newsham bequeathed his art collection to the city. The Harris has continued to build the collection for more than 125 years, including the local favourite, Pauline in the Yellow Dress by Sir James Gunn. The gallery has been helped by the Contemporary Art Society, whose numerous donations include Lucian Freud’s Still Life with Squid and Sea Urchin.

You can see art from the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library on Art UK here. Find out more on the Harris website here.

This drawing is by the famous 18th-century cartoonist William Hogarth. It depicts Lord Lovat, ‘the most devious man in Scotland’, who earned a nickname to match. What was it?

This 18th-century landscape is a painting of contrasts. In the foreground is an idyllic scene of rural life, while across the river lies industrial Preston. What is the name of the river that flows through Preston?

This painting by William Pritt shows the 1922 Preston Guild. The Guild celebrations are a major civic occasion, and evolved from the gatherings held to renew the membership of the town’s Guild Merchant. At one time this organisation controlled all the trade in the town. When was the first recorded Preston Guild held?

The artist John Frederick Lewis travelled widely and lived in Cairo for 10 years. A product of his time, his paintings often have orientalist themes. The figure in this 1865 painting is meant to be the wife of a bey, but is actually Lewis’s wife, Marian. What was the role of a ‘bey’ in the Ottoman empire?

This painting is by Richard Dadd, and was the artist’s first major success in a career that was cut tragically short. The painting is of Puck, who is a character in which Shakespeare play?

Richard Arkwright, painted here by Joseph Wright of Derby, was born in Preston. He also created the factory system, and by 1782 more than 5,000 men, women and children worked in his mills. How long was a typical shift?

This sketch of a bust is by Joseph Nollekens, one of the finest sculptors of his day. It depicts Oliver Cromwell, parliamentarian leader during the English civil war. He was a commander at the Battle of Preston, which was a decisive victory for his forces. In what year did the battle take place?

The Turner-prize winning artist Lubaina Himid completed this painting titled Tuesday in 1994. What group was she affiliated with in the 1980s?


You got…

Use yer loaf next time


Use yer loaf next time

Use yer loaf next time

Ye’ve done oreet

Ye’ve done oreet

Ye’ve done oreet




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