Schools in England could close when teachers self-isolate

Growing numbers of schools in England could be forced to close and send children home as a result of staff shortages, as teachers with symptoms follow government guidance to self-isolate, teaching unions have warned.

The government confirmed on Monday schools should remain open in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak for the time being but school leaders fear this may not be possible if there are too few staff available to teach and supervise pupils.

Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), said she had already heard reports of a small number of schools closing because of staff shortages but the problem is likely to deteriorate as more of the workforce are infected.

She said there was anxiety among teachers and parents who were told by the government on the one hand to avoid non-essential contact and mass gatherings, while their schools, some with communities of thousands, were to remain open.

“We understand why the government wants to keep schools open,” she said. “They are a major public service. For children on free school meals, they are a place where children get fed. Having your child at school allows parents to work, and we understand the issues around children of parents who work in essential services.

“But they want guidance, they want advice, they want some information. Just a blanket ‘schools will remain open for the moment’ does not give us any of the answers that we need.”

Teachers’ leaders raised their concerns in a meeting on Monday with the education secretary, Gavin Williamson, during which they highlighted the potential impact of any school closures on vulnerable pupils, in particular those on free school meals and with safeguarding issues. The NEU was not invited to the meeting.

Those who attended called for inspections by Ofsted and school performance tables to be suspended to allow headteachers to focus on the ongoing emergency and the health and wellbeing of pupils and teachers.

In a joint statement issued after the meeting, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, and Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, called for greater clarity to try reduce anxiety among pupils and their families.

The statement said: “The most immediately pressing challenge is the difficulty in keeping schools open with growing numbers of staff having to self-isolate. It is likely that a number of schools will have to close because there are too few staff available to teach, support and supervise children.

“We must move quickly to provide clarity and address the obvious anxiety for pupils, families and staff about what may or may not happen, and what contingencies are in place to deal with the inevitable disruption.”

Leora Cruddas, chief executive of the Confederation of School Trusts, who also attended the meeting, raised the challenges facing special schools for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

A spokesperson for the Department for Education said the meeting with school leaders was part of ongoing engagement “to ensure that the coronavirus outbreak has the least possible impact on children’s education, and assure them that any actions taken will be based on the latest medical and scientific guidance.

“The government’s advice continues to be for all schools to remain open unless Public Health England instruct them otherwise.” There will be further talks later this week to address other concerns for schools, including contingency planning for GCSEs and A-levels.


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