Rachel Whiteread’s world of interiors and Francis Bacon’s dead elephants – the week in art

Exhibition of the week

Rachel Whiteread: Internal Objects
The sculptor of the hidden spaces of our lives gets to grips with her ghosts.
Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London, 12 April to 6 June.

Also showing

Gilbert and George: New Normal Pictures
Our most heroic living sculptors take on homelessness and laughing gas in the streets in their latest tragicomic pictures.
White Cube Mason’s Yard, London, 13 April to 8 May.

Francis Bacon and Peter Beard
A fascinating journey into the heart of darkness with Beard’s perturbing pictures of dead elephants that fascinated his painter friend, and Bacon’s extraordinary portrait of Beard.
Ordovas, London, 12 April to 16 July.

Robert Rauschenberg
Two groups of silkscreen paintings on metal called Night Shadows and Phantoms show the great American visionary regaining some of his early form in the 1990s.
Thaddaeus Ropac, London, until 31 July.

Luke Hannam: The Compass and the Rosary
Bright and dreamy paintings with broad splashes of seaside surrealism.
Anima Mundi, St Ives, 12 April to 22 May.

Image of the week

Crowning of Thorns, which was thought to be by the circle of José de Ribera. Pulled from sale by the culture ministry of Spain.
Crowning of Thorns, which was thought to be by the circle of José de Ribera. Pulled from sale by the culture ministry of Spain. Photograph: Screengrab/ansorena.com

The Spanish government has imposed an export ban on this painting, attributed to José de Ribera, which had been due to be auctioned at a guide price of €1,500. Experts at the Prado museum believe it could actually be by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, making it worth between €50-€150m.

What we learned

The Spanish region of Fuendetodos is summoning Goya home

Eco-art activists Cooking Sections are fighting for the rights of salmon

Francis Bacon was triggered by dead elephants

Dutch police arrested a man over an £18m painting theft Richard Mosse’s “living maps” capture brutal damage to the Amazon

New doc Citizen Lane shows the dashed hopes of an Irish art dealer

and another new release explores the ideas of copies and originals

Netflix is aiming to solve the mystery history’s biggest art heist

East London’s River Lea is an undiscovered idyll

Karolina Ćwik’s camera offers an unflinching portrait of motherhood

Susan Kandel’s best photograph is a girl awaiting her first communion

Rewilding cities is helping the climate crisis – and human wellbeing

Women of Australian Impressionism are emerging from the shadows

The Great British Art Tour unearthed a peasant’s revolt, a Neapolitan Easter scene

Masterpiece of the week

A boy bringing bread
Photograph: The Wallace Collection

Pieter de Hooch, c 1663, A Boy Bringing Bread
Sunlight catches freshly cleaned floor tiles, turns windows to molten gold and reveals an almost theatrical succession of architectural effects receding into the distance where a woman waits for her servant or son to deliver bread. We’re inside a fine Amsterdam house looking out, through its impressive courtyard, as the outside world arrives in the form of this crusty produce from the baker’s oven. The woman with a red skirt bends down almost reverently to take it. The boy too holds it proudly, tenderly. It is a moment of passing delicacy and beauty in the course of an ordinary day – or the Dutch golden age answer to Deliveroo.
At the Wallace Collection, London

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