
3 CBD Myths You Should Stop Believing

3 CBD Myths You Should Stop Believing

CBD use has been gaining popularity over the past couple of years, and for good reason. CBD has proven health benefits and a wide range of practical applications. The substance can be used to help you deal with pain, anxiety, inflammation, and many other problems.

However, the popularity of CBD has also led a lot of online publications to start talking about the substance online. And while most of the information available is accurate, there are a few CBD myths that are repeated over and over. Let’s take a look at what those myths are, so you won’t rely on them to form your opinion on CBD.

Myth #1 – CBD has no side effects

While it is true that most people who use CBD will experience no side effects, that won’t be true for everyone. There are potential side effects that can be caused by CBD use. These include diarrhea, constipation, changes in weight, changes in appetite, and drowsiness. Most of those side effects are mild, but they do exist. And the risk increases when you use high doses of CBD.

It should be no surprise that CBD can be bad for you, given that even water can make you sick if you take too much of it. The good news is that you can’t overdose on CBD, as it would take a volume of CBD oil higher than the amount of blood contained in your body.

Myth #2 – CBD is safe for everyone

Some people advocate that CBD products are safe for everyone, including children, dogs, pregnant women, and the elderly. And from what we understand of the substance so far, that may very well be the case. But there is one group to whom CBD may be unsafe safe, and that is people who are taking prescription medications.

CBD can interact with various types of medication, a fact that often goes understated when the substance is discussed. This occurs because CBD can affect the rate at which other drugs are absorbed by the liver, which can make prescription medications less effective. 

If you are being treated for cancer, arthritis, or any other serious condition, you should consult with your doctor before you attempt to make CBD part of your routine.

Myth #3 – CBD will cure your disease

While CBD can make your life easier by treating a variety of different symptoms, it is not a cure for any specific illness. Or at least it hasn’t been medically recognized as such. CBD does help reduce the severity of certain serious seizure disorders, but it is not a cure. Just a treatment.

This is important to highlight, as the substance is often portrayed as some sort of miraculous cure-all. And while there may come a day where doctors start curing different diseases using CBD products, we’re not there yet.

Some articles even cite scientific studies when they claim that CBD can cure this or that. And indeed, CBD has shown promising results as an arthritis treatment, but that study was done on rats, as were many of the studies that show promising results in using CBD as a cure for something. These early results show promise, but they don’t prove anything yet.

If you’re interested in giving CBD a try to see the effects of the substance for yourself, visit Cibdol.com.

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